Sometimes, you get cut down on things buy not acquiring them

Tonight I had my biannual visit to the optometrist. A new joy of ageing is that I discovered it is possible to get fat deposits on your eyeballs. Apparently this is caused by being in the sun too much without sunglasses. I hate wearing sunglasses, though I do have a cute prescription pair with purple frames. From now on, I will need to wear them more often, and my next swim goggles for outdoors will need to have polarized lenses.

I looked at glasses frames and decided there was nothing that appealed to me more than my current glasses. Last time, I bought two pairs that I still love, so I am going to get the lenses replaced. Since I wear progressives that will still be a healthy investment. I might even get new lenses in my sunglasses, since the prescription is older (but no progressives since I mostly use them for driving).


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