220 in 2020 (Mid-year Review)

Six months have passed in this strange year, so it seems like time for a review. One of the things that inspired me to start this blog is the 220 workouts in 2020 challenge. Various bloggers at Fit is a Feminist Issue have been doing this one (some for several years). As of the end of June, I was at 152. I’m fairly pleased with that, even knowing that some of those activities were a replacement for walking or cycling to work (which I wouldn’t normally count towards my goal). I have expanded the kinds of activities I do - yoga, zumba, and Stu’s strength and stretch Facebook Live classes are all new. I am swimming more during the week, even if it is just a quick km at lunch or before work. I have little motivation to ride my bicycle anywhere right now, but yesterday I bought a bicycle trainer so I can cycle indoors in the winter. It’s something I have been thinking about acquiring for a year or so, so when a used one came up for sale nearby, I grabbed it. I haven’t been horseback riding since March, and I doubt I’ll go until the worst of the hot weather is done. My daughter has been riding a lot, so Fancy is getting exercise now that the barn is open again.

The shedding of things is going reasonably well. I haven’t felt like doing much during the hot weather, but I am pretty diligent about making at least one small thing go away each day, and (aside from the bike trainer and some new Dari books), I have not been bringing much new stuff into the house.

Healthier eating and maybe some weight loss - this goal seemed like a good one in January, but the lockdown has made it hard. Stress eating, comfort eating, no incentive for a healthy lunch at work each day, the fridge right near my workspace - all have conspired to keep me eating more than I should. I haven’t gained much weight, and I am doing better now that summer is here, with all its vegetables and fruits.

That’s enough reflection for today. I’m off to the Pond for a swim.


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