A Day in the Country

Lac Philippe, in Gatineau Park.

I went with my friend Mel, who has a favourite starting point well away from the official beaches. The lifeguards there are very strict about not letting anyone go beyond the buoys, which is no fun if you want a good swim rather than a waist-deep dip.

The spot we went to is a 1 km walk from the parking lot. Along the way, we spotted a large garter snake, several minuscule frogs, a large frog, black and red squirrels and chipmunks. At the lake we spotted a loon

 a couple of great blue herons,  and an entire family of ducklings walking along the path. There were also wild lupins
flat peas
 and a few Deptford pinks.

We did more bobbing along than actual swimming, so it was a very relaxing afternoon, followed by fancy ice cream.


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