A post from 2011 that is still relevant today

“I have resolved not to focus on the long list of things not done, but rather to celebrate those things I have accomplished each day.” 

This seems like a worthy goal now that I am on vacation for a couple of weeks. So far, my list of things to do keeps getting longer and longer. Mostly it’s small stuff that I just don’t want to forget. But it keeps getting bigger as I think of new fun things to do. Today I did manage a couple of things on my list, and I have plans to do more this afternoon. 

  • I tried a new sautéed radishes with vinegar and herbs recipe (used all the radishes from my CSA box, plus some herbs from the garden)
  • I wrote a blog post on the history of chopped liver, and made a medieval version then blogged about it.
Mostly though, I spent the morning doing something not on my list at all. I went for a swim with my friend Mel and we stopped to smell the roses.


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