Expanding Areas of Calm

A friend described her house organization efforts that way recently, and I thought it was brilliant. Another friend asked me today if my decluttering efforts are in preparation for a move or something equally exciting. Nope - they are just an attempt to expand my areas of calm. I think it’s starting to work, too. My bedroom is getting tidier as I complete projects or get rid of unwanted stuff. In the past week I have reorganized bookshelves (and gotten rid of books), and started clearing my work bench (and gave myself permission to throw out all the leftovers from old plumbing projects).

All week I have spent too much time at my desk and not enough time in the sun. Zumba is done, and I haven’t been able to swim since Saturday. I was in pain from sitting so much, so this evening I went for a nice long walk. The gardens have filled out considerably, and the sky was beautiful. It is clear that I need to expand my areas of calm to include the spaces in my head and the muscles in my body


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