Experimental cooking - pasta with creamy basil sauce

I have a game I play, dating back to when I was a busy younger mom with two incredibly busy kids who were also fussy eaters. I had developed a routine of quick and easy meals: tacos, pasta and meat sauce, Swedish meatballs, and stir fries were my go-tos, served every week, with a little variation in between. One year, my son started complaining about this, so I made a promise I would try one new thing, from a recipe book (or the internet), every week. For the first few months, he didn’t even notice, because I had to stick with familiar foods. After all, this was the kid who wouldn’t eat any meat except chicken or ground beef because if was too hard to chew. Even after he moved away for university, I kept up the habit. Sometimes the experiments work better than others. This week was a fail, but I will likely play with the recipe because it has potential.

https://simply-delicious-food.com/pasta-with-basil-cream-sauce-recipe/. This was disappointing. I was sure it would be from the moment I looked at the picture. There was no way that cream sauce had a cup of roughly chopped basil in it. Also - sage in my pasta? Savoury maybe! It didn’t help that I was using up a bit of whipping cream and had to add milk, that I had to abandon it mid-way because ballet was starting, that I didn’t want to dig out my blender so just used the immersion blender instead (and the mixture was too shallow in my frying pan for the blender to work properly), and I forgot the lemon juice at the end,


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