Happy Canada Day

I love Canada Day in the capital, even though this has become a weekend I often spend away camping with friends. This year was quite different of course. The camping event was cancelled. So were all the in-person festivities downtown, and the fireworks (I don’t go downtown, but I do enjoy watching the fireworks from a vantage point just down the street). I made fun with friends instead. First up was a swim at The Pond:

Then I weeded my garden and discovered I had a visitor. Jane and I took him to a wooded area and released him.

By then it was almost time for lunch, so we walked to. Mexican place That has set up a patio area and had lunch, complete with red and white Sangrias. 

Then my Wednesday walk, this time just around the neighbourhood. We discovered a lovely view across the Ottawa River and up the Gatineau River.

 It was quite warm and we walked over 7 km, so we were quite happy to discover a lawn sprinkler along the way. One is never too old to play in a water sprinkler, I say.


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