Million Metres Achieved!

Many years and two swim clubs ago, I discovered the Million Metre Challenge and started tracking my swim distances. Today, I finally crossed the magic threshold with a 3.1 km swim. I immediately signed up for the Master Swimming Ontario virtual open water swim challenge. I have from now until Labour Day to complète up to four middle distance swims: 1.5, 3, 5 or 10 k. I probably won’t do the 10k as it is a longer distance than I have ever managed before. However, it is also the goal distance i have wanted to reach for several years. Maybe I will give it a try, if I can get Nadine to support. She’s the photo bomber below, my oldest swimming friend and the one who introduced me to open water and encouraged me to try longer distances.

It was a beautiful morning and we had lots of seagulls, ducks and geese for company.


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