
I have seen various people writing about the one word they want to hold onto for 2020. At first I thought it was silly. But today I chose a word that has lots of different meanings for me - Balance.

The sidewalks were icy and I worried about slipping and falling, even though I was doing my best “walk like a penguin”. Balance.

I wear a knapsack on my back to try and minimize the hunched up shoulder that comes with carrying a heavy bag on one side. The knapsack is also a regular reminder that my left shoulder is still not fully healed after my fall last summer. I need to keep exercising it to regain strength and full range of motion, and manage lingering pain. Balance.

As I walked, I thought about last night’s dance class where, possibly for the first time, I really connected with psoas muscles to pull my spine and rib cage up and free from my pelvis so I could dance. My posture felt beautiful and graceful. I spend far too much time sitting at work, and walking while engaging those muscles felt wonderful. Balance.

I was planning to go to swim practice tonight, which would make three days in a row of fairly intensive exercise, followed by four days of doing little. I need to figure out a better schedule. Possibly Thursdays most weeks? Or even Saturday mornings if I don’t have outdoor swim buddy time planned? Balance.

The day was crazy busy and I realized on the way home that I have a sore throat starting. So tonight instead of working on my on-line courses, or unfinished crafts, I am indulging in the last of the Christmas fruitcake and some ice cream (because I am also shedding stuff from the freezer). I won’t quite balance 12 hours awake and asleep, but I will go to bed right after doing a bit of yoga. Balance.

Photo is from Kitchissippi Beach on the Ottawa River, where local artist John Ceprano has made balancing sculptures from found stones every summer for more than 30 years.


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