Bone weary

I work in a place with crazy hours and my main clients are in far distant time zones (about 10 hours ahead of us). I have been dealing with several complex and time-consuming files for months, while short-staffed. This week another major challenge got added, which is great for my program, but... Oh, and my boss is traveling, as is my counterpart who also reports to him, so I’m trying to cover off their jobs on top of everything else.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my job and the people I work with. But it’s just past 8 pm, I have been yawning for ages, supper was potato chips, and I need to be up early again. I can’t even work up enthusiasm for yoga with Adriene, though I likely would feel better if I did 15 minutes of stretching. Instead, I will finish editing an essay for my daughter, and go to bed early so I can be at the barn early tomorrow morning. One of things I want to work on this year is finding a way to vent (whine) less and turn that energy into something productive, instead.


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