
Fancy hasn’t been ridden since Tuesday, so I decided today was a good day for a lesson on ground manners and working on the lunge line. That ended up being a good call as someone decided that clearing snow with the big tractor right outside the arena was a good plan. Clearly, that person doesn’t actually deal with horses. She was nervous, but did pretty well.

My evening has been spent fixing her winter blanket. Somehow she tore a foot-long strip off the side; the lining was missing a chunk and the whole thing was full of ice and bits of hay. I managed to use up a piece of wool roving by stitching into the the lining, then sent way too long mending the rip. As much as I like to get rid of things I don’t need, I hate the idea of sending things to the landfill. The blanket should be perfectly usable now, though it definitely has “character”.


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