
I had planned to post last night but ended up having a really rotten evening. Ballet was great, but it was a bitterly cold day. I had to walk the whole way to work because Occasional Transpo was up to form again (ie the bus showed up earlier than scheduled, and not when the GPS tracker showed it would arrive). Then I had to stay late at work and go directly to ballet and walk home afterwards because I didn’t have access to my car in the evening thanks to the girl child. I did get lots of steps in, but was truly grumpy when I got home.

Today was a little better, but still a very long day. I am trying to juggle far too many balls at once. There is no real solution except for some patience to get through the next few crazy weeks.

I have cleared out some of my box of donation stuff as my daughter has promised to take it to the charity shop. That is one little stressor gone, though there is still lots more to drop off.

Time for some yoga and an early night to bed.


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