
My day started with a 7 am work phone call and went non-stop for over 11 hours. I thought I would lose a lung as I raced to catch a bus that was unexpectedly early (arrived just as it was pulling away) so I had to walk to work with my very full knapsack. It was full because I had my dance gear and some extra food, just in case I didn’t get away from the office in time for class. It was a good thing, too, as I barely made it to my 7 pm class on time.

I danced hard (okay mostly I stretched and built strength as I worked on the exercises) for 90 minutes. At the end, I suddenly felt a burst of satisfaction, or happiness, or possibly pure joy. It was an actual physical sensation that I rarely, if ever, experience. My body felt tired but strong; my mind had swept away all the jittery racing thoughts about work that still needed to be done, and tasks that had to be added to one list or another. I felt calm but energized - but not so energized that I am going to struggle to sleep. I want to hold onto this feeling, or at least experience it more often.


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