Minor dent in decluttering today

I pulled a stack of DVDs off the shelves to send to the charity shop or the church bazaar. I also cleared out the tea cupboard. I have a lovely wooden tea caddy and a daughter who loves to buy all kinds of tea but rarely finishes any of them. Tonight I got rid of two tins plus seven boxes. The tins were already empty, as was one of the boxes. I moved the tea from the others into my wooden caddy, and some into another empty tin. I also sorted the jars and boxes of loose tea so they are easier to see and use up. This started mostly because I was low on tea at work so bought some more, and thought we were out of Sleepytime and green tea. It turned out neither was true, but now I have room for the extra boxes. Oh well. At least I know those are two kinds we both like and will use up. My next job will be to drink up all the kinds she doesn’t like (but at least now I can see them and start the job).


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