One week in, and things are getting tough

The fitness part is relatively fine. I’m actually enjoying the yoga, and all those planks and downward dogs are making my shoulder feel much better. Decluttering my physical space is coming along (and I swear I’ll take down the Christmas tree right after this post!).

Decluttering my mind is a bit more of a struggle. I worked for a bit over 12 hours today. It was a day burdened with sadness over the plane crash that killed 63 Canadians plus over 100 more who were traveling to Canada. Many were permanent residents or students. I don’t envy the colleagues who work on consular affairs and are dealing with grieving families, as well as the grim task of identifying and repatriating the deceased from a country where we don’t even have diplomatic relations at the moment. On top of that was my usual work of leading a team that is working flat-out on important and time-sensitive projects. And somehow we made time for a mini management retreat to do a mid-year course correction and plan for the rest of the year. We had three agenda items and didn’t get past the first one - we spent two full hours discussing things we could do better, workplace wellness, and exchanging tips and tricks on everything from coaching employees to improving the electronic filing system to cleaning up our mailboxes.

And eating healthier? Not so much. The comfort food of Swedish meatballs and noodles felt pretty good after a long day. At least I did well on portion control. I also ate a couple of nectarines for dessert, and drank lots of water today. All are habits I am working to acquire. No sooner had I gotten to this paragraph when this highly relevant blog hit my feed: I’m not much for cupcakes, but I strongly support the sentiment.


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