Sometimes Purposeful Movement Degenerates Into Fun

I went for a swim with my friends Nadine and Tom this morning. Air temperature was -4, and the water was right around 0. I hadn’t been since around Canadian Thanksgiving, so it was hard to get into the water. I walked for quite a bit, then finally managed some head’s up breast stroke, once across the beach. I was in for a total of 7 minutes. Not exactly the purposeful movement I should be aiming for! However, it was delightful to spend some time with them and the air and water looked glorious. Here I am, on my way out.

I felt chilled all afternoon so ended up going out to visit my horse and give her a good grooming, but not ride. At least she is tucked into more blankets for the cold snap that is starting tonight. According to one of my fitness apps, grooming and tacking up a horse burns some calories; again, not really purposeful movement, but pleasant enough that Fancy got a few kisses on the nose (something she rarely gets from me).


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