Wintry day

Today was full of back-wrenching, heat attack-inducing wet heavy snow. It was beautiful, thought.

I also had a great ride. It has been a few weeks but Fancy was really good, even when snow was sliding off the roof of the arena. The rest of the day was devoted to making a soup to use up a ham bone, laundry, watching videos for one of my on-line courses, and working on crafts. My big sticks are now trimmed to the right size for a couple of projects, and I made some progress on finishing a mitten. 

Since it was otherwise a great weekend, I’m trying not to be sad or jealous about not getting to go cold water swimming yesterday. I had made plans to go right after swim practice, but my swim buddy cancelled and went with someone else today. It’s childish, but I liked it better when it was just us. It is getting so hard to coordinate that I find I am losing my enthusiasm, even though I really like the time spent with my swim buddy. I’ll just have to get over myself and plan my own trip to the river and to Ogdensburg in a couple of weeks.


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