Cleaning up in order to skate

On the weekend, I made myself a pair of skating poles, using bones left over from a ham that were shaped to points and then pressure fitted onto a pair of sticks. The design is based on descriptions from a Viking-age find in The Netherlands. I was very excited at the prospect of getting out to do some medieval skating for the the first time in years. Then I discovered my bone skates had gone missing. I spent most of Sunday cleaning the house while searching for the skates. I got rid of many things - mostly junk but also a small camping stool. And I now have a clean workbench again. In the end, I couldn’t find the skates. However, tonight as I did a second search in a steamer trunk where I store certain project materials, I discovered a pair of bones so I can make a new pair. That will be tomorrow’s project.


  1. (I am jume on LJ, btw) never heard of bone skates, but it makes sense. I suppose you sharpen them to a point on one side to be the blade?


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