
Swim practice turned into something of a discussion about cold. One of the women in my club is experimenting with cold showers (I think for her running). She is struggling as she has a hard time with her breathing, even when she is just getting one arm wet. I don’t have this problem at all, aside from disliking cold showers. On the other hand, I struggle to slip into the water. My body is too stiff to sit on the side of the pool and start by betting my feet wet (they get cold really fast). That annoying person who leaps in at the beginning of practice and starts right into the set? That’s me. To be honest, it’s not just because it’s how I like to get wet. It also gets me through at least half a length before anyone else is ready, and I am so slow that I need every advantage I can get!

My other cold thing today was a trip to the local pond to test out my bone skates. I spent an hour experimenting, with three friends. It was definitely a different kind of mindful movement.


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