It feels so good when I stop!

This has been an “interesting” week in terms of my physical fitness. I had a massage on Thursday to try and work out the soreness in my right leg that has made it painful to touch since August. My therapist says it is getting better but it doesn’t feel that way. Friday I saw the chiropractor and had a better adjustment than I have managed in a while, though my whole right side was very tight. This morning I went swimming for the first time in two weeks. The right knee kept coming close to collapsing as I got ready, and it was sore for part of the swim. In the water, I was definitely using my strong right side more than the left, even though I consciously tried to even things out.

The rest of the day was spent on road trips - first to Ogdensburg to pick up a parcel and do some shopping, then to Long Sault to collect a gift of embroidery threads and books, a stop at the grocery store on the way home, out to the barn right after supper (it has been very cold and we were worried that poor Fancy needed another coat), then to drop my daughter off at work. After all that, the aches and pains on my right side are worse than ever, but more in my mid-back and jaw line right now. My happy surprise when I finally got upstairs was the heating pad on my bed. My daughter had borrowed it a while ago and returned it at the perfect time - now to see if a little heat will help me shed some of this discomfort. In the meantime, enjoy a picture from today’s drive:


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