Late Winter Doldrums

 I didn’t think I got them, but today I couldn’t be bothered going to ride Fancy. I sent my daughter instead, since I will be stealing her riding time on Thursday for a lesson. And evening plans for a yoga video collapsed in favour of a long bath.

Those events, and a post from my friend Bess got me thinking about keeping up motivation after a couple of months. Today Bess won a gym bag at her local gym after completing a challenge of doing 21 workouts in February. Bess regularly rants about the New Years Resolutioners who show up at her gym at the beginning of January - they don’t know how to use equipment properly, they get in the way, and they are usually gone by this time of the year.

I need to get myself moving if I am to achieve 220 workouts in 2020. I can do it. After all, I’m not that far behind my activity goals. I am right on top of getting rid of things every single day. I am working on letting go of stresses and anxieties. And I have blogged for 54 out of 55 days so far this year. I’ve got this!

The photo is of a rescued sea turtle at the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton Florida (they do good work rescuing and rehabilitating injured turtles, releasing those they can to the wild and running a breeding program with some of those who can’t be released). This one was in deep water physiotherapy (aka the big aquarium tank) strengthening its back legs and getting ready for release later this spring. Go turtle go - you’ve got this!


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