Letting go of stress

Today was unintentionally quiet. Our morning dolphin tour got cancelled so we scheduled for a sailboat ride and snorkelling on the reef after lunch but the driver never showed up. So the morning was devoted to watching my daughter nap, and part of the afternoon was spent working on my German lessons while she napped some more. Just as I was about to fall asleep myself, she woke up and wanted to go to the beach. I had a pleasant 1600M swim (I think I have mastered my swim watch for outdoor swimming, though lap swimming in a pool remains a work in progress).

It was a good day for fish spotting. I identified the blue striped grunts I have seen several times (one stuck with me for quite a while today), saw several banded butterfly fish, some small brownish fish that were likely Spanish grunts, a larger fish that may have been a white margate. Or possibly a surgeonfish, and a very large, long thin fish that I like to think was a barracuda but may have been a shark sucker.

I can feel the stress leaving my body; the pain from clenching my jaw is largely gone and I am remembering to relax it quite regularly. My shoulders are down and back, instead of trying to stuff themselves into my ears. Even my sore right leg has loosened up considerably.

An unexpected bonus of being at a place that frequently has German tourists? I could have French fries with mayonnaise, so I did - twice. That is more fries than I would normally have in six monthsX but it was a lovely treat.

I wore a swimming shirt today, as I got rather burnt yesterday.


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