Letting go

Or maybe picking it up again?  My beloved old knapsack but the dust this week so I tossed it and grabbed another from my closet. Apparently, it used to be the one I used for cross-country skiing. And apparently it has been a decade since I bought a cross-country ski pass.

I love cross-country skiing. It is so easy (not easy to do well, perhaps, but easy to get to  easy to get to trails or the local park). Sadly, I didn’t get enough use to justify the season’s pass so I started pay-as-you-go. Then that dwindled to going to the local park, then just to work on particularly snowy days, and now, almost never. I haven’t yet decided whether I want to get back into going regularly into skiing regularly (available time is an issue) or admit that I am not going to ski anymore and just get rid of the equipment. I will probably keep them. After all, I haven’t yet reconciled myself to getting rid of the downhill skis. I do that even less, and I still dream of getting back on the hill some day.


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