Looking back on January, part 1

I remembered to blog every day but one, so that’s good.

I managed dry January except for one drink at an office party before I thought about what I was doing. That was pretty easy for me, so also fairly good.

I missed 7 out of 31 days in my efforts at mindful movement. I could have done a bit more if I had walked to work more often, but it is the dead of winter - it was sometimes too cold, and sometimes the sidewalks weren’t clear. All in all, it wasn’t a bad effort, but I think I can improve.

I did really well at getting rid of things. I had hoped to get rid of even more, but at least 31 things left my house (one a day). Almost nothing came in. Yay!

Despite a crazy work load I did take a little time for me. I finished one course, and am near to finishing two more. I still have one I haven’t even started (we’re starting week four) so I had best get with the program. I got back in the pool an into the ballet studio. I rode my horse.

I didn’t do quite as well as I would have liked on shedding unhelpful thinking. And my eating habits were NOT good. I still have eleven months for improvement.


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