More rolling with the unexpected

The trip back from the Bahamas was uncomfortable - rain, wind and high waves meant that neither my daughter nor I got much sleep. This morning, the waves were too high to get into the port safely. We had already been instructed to leave our rooms, so spent an entire day hanging out in a lounge while the pilot tried two more times, while also making contingency plans to go to Fort Lauderdale or even back to the Bahamas. Finally, on the third try, he made it in - it was a bit scary as we rolled quite far and a lot of dishes got broken.

I had considered walking around the ship to get some steps in, but my girl wasn’t feeling well so I spent the day seated with her. I did use the time reasonably productively to knit a mitten, catch up on social media, and study German.

My takeaway from today is that sometimes there really are blessings in disguise. I had not been happy that the only flight to Ottawa departed at 10 pm, but when our 8:30 am landing didn’t happen until 4:30 (and we had to clear immigration, collect a rental car, drive it for an hour, drop it off, and then go through security at the airport), it was a relief.

The crashing waves as we came through the channel to harbour.


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