Some days things go in weird directions

I had fully intended to do yoga tonight, but somehow I managed to spend the whole evening working on my German lessons in Duolingo, and teaching my daughter to make pizza from scratch. I never measure when making my sourdough, so I had to get her comfortable with the concepts of “a bit”, “enough” and “until it feels right”. Then she had to learn the fine art of improvising - the mozzarella had disappeared, and I had just used the last of the sauce for pasta. She settled for old cheddar and some of the sauce scooped out of the pan without too much ground beef (a bit was okay because we were short on pepperoni too). I’m quite pleased with her. After years of avoiding time in the kitchen, this year she is finally making an effort to learn. Yesterday she did up a stir fry, unprompted, and without seeking any assistance.


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