Surprising losses

I avoid stepping on the scales. I also have a tendency to stress eat. It has been a stressful week. Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scales this morning. They claimed I have lost two pounds. What does this show?
It may show that muscle weighs more than fat (I haven’t been getting much exercise this month).
It may show that eating chocolate is good for you (I feel like I have been living on M&Ms) this week).
Maybe it shows that cutting carbs is a good way to lose weight (I didn’t bother baking bread this week).

Or maybe it simply shows that if we eat reasonably sensibly all the time and get some exercise, then normal fluctuations in our weight are part of life. I’m going to go with this one. I’ll admit that it fits with my biases. I’m a big fan of  “eat food, not too much, mostly plants”. I also follow Dr. Yoni Freedhof a professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa, founder of the Bariatric Medical Institute, and author of “The Diet Fix: Why Most Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work” (spoiler alert - find something you can live with forever, being healthy is more important than being slim). There’s a good little article Here on some of Freedhof’s views.

In other news on slimming down and losses:
I found a new home for my son’s old snowboard after having had it for sale with no nibbles for weeks.

I lost my driver’s license some time in the last few weeks. I suspect it fell out of my wallet into someplace - but where? I would like to tidy up and find it, but I need to be able to pick up a rental car on Sunday night, so tomorrow I’ll be heading to Service Ontario. It needed renewing anyway, as my birthday is coming up. Even if expired, I’ll use hunting for the old card as an excuse to tidy. I’m starting to get back into the swing of getting rid of things.


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