Unhealthy habits

It’s 9:25 pm. I just got home from work. I bought pizza for my staff because everyone was working late. Again. I need to be out the door tomorrow morning no later than 7:30 am.

Part of me wants to do yoga. Most of me just wants to crawl into bed, use the foam roller to stretch out the tight muscles, and try to sleep. The roller won’t do a thing for my neck and jaw (yay work-related tension).

On the good side, I am so determined to do something towards my shedding goals that I threw out a cloth napkin and some scraps of fabric that I had been saving for a future (but undetermined) project. In the process, I did discover a nice piece of white fabric that should be the right size to line the top of a little outfit my daughter bought for our upcoming holiday.

Image is from an article on managing workplace stress at Minutes.co.


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