Finding a new normal

I meant to post last night but did a session of Yoga with Adriene and then fell right to sleep. Getting enough rest when you work at home can be surprisingly difficult. So is exercising, eating right and drinking enough liquids. Aside from yoga and going to bed a little earlier yesterday, I bought groceries with a plan for several healthy meals in mind. I also drank a lot of water after allowing myself to get seriously dehydrated during the day. I took a bit of time in the evening for a Zoom conversation and social distance crafting with friends.

And in a half hour, I will be joining a Debbie Allen Instagram dance class. I loved Debbie Allen and the TV show Fame back in the day. I am impressed at the work she does with the Debbie Allen Dance Academy (I watched some of her students dance for Michelle Obama at a Black History Month event. And now I follow her on Instagram.


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