Having a Cold in the World of COVID-19

I have a bit of a cold. It’s annoying. I wasn’t even sure it was a cold until I got feeling a little woozy at work this morning. Allergies don’t do that to me, so it’s a cold.

What to do in a time of COVID-19 panic? I washed my hands - a lot. I worked really hard to avoid touching my face (and failed more often than I care to admit). I tried to avoid being too close to anyone else at work. I got my daughter to take me home at the earliest opportunity, and slept for the rest of the afternoon.

Unfortunately, I need to go to work again tomorrow because I have meetings I must attend (phone-in options are not available for all of them) and I didn’t think to bring my laptop. I have partial connectivity with my iPad, but no access to most of the filed documents. Still, I will look at my calendar again and see whether I can do more from home.

I will also avoid visiting my parents for a bit longer. I haven’t been able to get out for a visit for ages because I was just too busy. As much as I would like to catch up now, they definitely do not need to catch whatever I have.


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