
I didn’t do all the relaxing things I had planned to do today. Instead, I had a four-five hour nap. I did get out for a nice long walk. Though I saw few people, it was actually a more social experience than normal. Everyone was social distancing, which meant they felt obliged to say hello as we stepped away from each other. At one point I felt a bit like Moses parting the Red Sea as I passed two groups of neighbours chatting from opposite sides of the street. Each group moved back as I walked down the middle of the road. My barn has closed so even riding my horse is now off the exercise schedule. Tomorrow I will clear the path to my back door, and check whether my bicycle is ready for the spring.

I did get rid of something today - a package of peanuts I had purchased to make a strange rice and peanut dish I found in a WWII era cookbook. I drew the line at the cornflake topping, but tomorrow I will decorate it with slices of hard-boiled egg and serve it with cheese sauce. I love cooking as a way to relax and recharge my creative batteries.


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