Social Distancing and Social Cohesion

These two concepts are coming together in interesting ways. Last night I did a Zumba class with complete strangers from a different swim club. Tonight I did a dryland training session with the same club, followed by a walk around my neighborhood. As I walked, I saw signs in several shops saying that they were closed until further notice. I also saw pictures in windows for children’s “scavenger hunts”, chalk drawings on the sidewalk, and a Venetian blind painted with the message “Anything is Popsicle”. I saw a sign in front of a seniors’ residence applauding the work of Dr. Vera Etches, the local chief medical officer of health, and another directing people to a website where they would be able to buy local to support local businesses. Though there were few people around, and most kept well away, I also felt the love of a caring community for the people who live and work here.

In another possible sign of change, I didn’t see a single airplane contrail, but I did spot Venus as bright as I can ever remember her, next to a sliver of crescent moon. I was tempted to stay out later to see if I could see stars, something of a rarity because I live in a city, because the air seems cleaner with less traffic, construction, and industry. Pollution levels have dropped significantly in China and Europe because of closures associated with lockdowns and self-isolation. I am curious to see how much that of that will continue as the pandemic goes on and people become increasingly comfortable with working from home and using teleconferences instead of traveling to conferences.


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