Spring is Finally on the Way

This winter felt unreasonably long and hard.after breaking my arm last summer, I only got to ride my bicycle to work a few times before it got really cold. Normally, I would have ridden for at least another month; some years, I can ride right up until Christmas. Usually by now I am plotting to get the bike out of my basement by we were still getting heavy snow just a week ago.

But today was perfect. I went for my riding lesson and Fancy has started to shed her winter coat. We had a good lesson and I managed to get into the saddle with no-one holding Fancy’s head. She had developed a bad habit of walking away from the mounting block and since my fall last year I have been very nervous. My coach taught me a trick that worked so I’m a happy camper. The weather was warm enough that she got to be naked, which obviously made her happy as she immediately went for a big roll in the snow.

This picture is from just last week. What a difference seven days can make.


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