The joys of the time switch

I’m not a big fan of springing forward, but it does make walking home much easier if there is still daylight when I leave the office. That’s what I did today. It was beautiful, if a bit chilly. I felt like I was being dive-bombed by one of the returning Canada Geese as it flew just overhead (but too fast for me to grab a picture). This morning, I had spotted a flock of Goldeneye ducks.

As well, I must remember that stopping along the way to do errands is a great way to get me to walk instead of taking the bus. Tonight it was the pharmacy for prescription refills - I am not going to be a COVID-19 panicker, but I am going to be prepared.

A Goldeneye duck from the website gilligalloubird, which identifies them as ice out birds, and even has a post about them on the Ottawa River on March 10 a few years ago. Mine were on the Rideau River, about 200m above the falls where the Rideau joins the Ottawa, and it was March 12.


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