Utterly slothful (and feeling only a little guilty)

I am privileged enough that I was able to work from home today. The sniffles seem to be getting better but they did not need to be shared. I ended up being remarkably productive, considering that I had originally planned to take a sick day. I got to observe some of the professionals handling the complexities of COVID-19 responses for my workplace (we have families posted around the world, plus locally-engaged staff, and staff from all over traveling extensively on business to Canada and abroad - a hundred or so were at a major trade show where they may have been in contact with someone who has subsequently tested positive). I was impressed - there are so many complex issues to sort out.

My guilt comes from not doing much else except work. Tomorrow I really must get up early to clean the kitchen, scoop the cat litter, water plants, and maybe even clean off some of the surfaces like doorknobs that are places for disease to hide. And I really need to walk to work - today’s time working from bed was delightful, but definitely not a good long-term strategy for fitness.

My helpful office mates:


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