What to do when you are tired

Today was another frustrating day on the project that never seems to end. I started checking emails at 6 am and left the office at about 7:45, then came home and worked a bit more. I still have a document to review for a meeting tomorrow morning, but my first meeting starts at 7 am so I absolutely must get it done tonight. I did take a little time for me and made up coleslaw plus started brining some pork for Canadian bacon needed for this weekend. I still need to make buns, possibly more mustard, and cupcakes for my Humane Society fundraiser.

I went looking for some inspiration by Googling “inspiration for when you’re tired”. Most of those inspiring quotes assume it is about fitness or something. They encourage people to push through no matter what. I know there are times when this kind of push might be good, but generally, I find it unhelpful. The quotes assume that people are lazy, are physically able to do more, can tell the difference between manageable discomfort and injury, are resilient enough to keep going until the job is done.

I am a firm believer in recovery, self-care, and remembering that people are like rubber bands: if you stretch them constantly, they lose their ability to snap back to “normal” and be resilient for the next pull. I lso remember fondly the attitude of a former colleague who was very successful in his career. When papers came in to his office, he would put those he didn’t instantly recognize as urgent/important into a pile. If they turned out to be urgent/important, he would retrieve them and respond. Everything else would eventually sink to the bottom of the pile and then he would throw it out. For some things, he would also use his favourite acronym: MIGA. MIGA stood for “make it go away”. He wasn’t afraid to delegate, and once he had done so, he expected people to take action without returning for approvals. Of course he was always open to supporting his staff as they learned, but he recognized that he couldn’t do it all - and shouldn’t try. He also knew how to take time for himself so he could rejuvenate, usually while diving for seashells (he was an avid collector).

Here are my favourite inspirational posters, plus a gratuitous shell picture, for Michael.


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