Grand plans gone awry can still make for a good day

After yesterday’s rotten mood, I made a conscious decision to sleep in this morning. Then I pushed myself to get out and join a group of swimmers at Lac Leamy. It’s not that far, but definitely further than my usual rides. I got about half-way there and discovered that the cycling lane on the bridge across the river was closed. There was no way I could cycle to the next bridge and get back to the lake in time to meet everyone. Instead, I decided to explore a route to the pond. It ended up being a really nice, if hot ride. The best part was a forced stop as at least 40 Canada Geese crossed the road one-by-one, stopping all traffic. The pond was quite busy but people were generally being careful about keeping their distance outside their family groups, and away from the shore it was easy to swim.

This was the view looking across the river in the general direction of the lake I couldn’t get to.

My consolation prize was a swim here.

The rest of the day was spent napping, doing a bit of laundry, and making sorrel soup.


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