Saturday morning swim with friends

This is becoming something of a ritual. Get up way too early on a Saturday, then drive across town to swim with a gang of buddies. It’s now warm enough the Candace and Filippo have joined us. Today three people brought buoys, so the keeners set up a triangular 250m course. It was definitely a little more interesting than the usual back and forth between the rocks. Nadine had posted posted a funny story about forgetting her swim coat and needing to stop for gas while wearing only her bathing suit and towel the day before, as well as a memory of me in my Star Trek bathing suit. That led to lots of jokes and promises to wear our respective Star Trek gear this morning. I remembered, but her Uhura bathrobe is still hanging up at home, and she (once again) has only a towel to wear home

Tom decided set himself the goal of swimming 3k, which is the same distance as Bring on the Bay, a huge open water even that would normally take place in just a few weeks, going right past our spot. We are thinking about doing our own version soon, with those who are super keen doing the King Wolf swum (either 5 or 11 K) instead. Nadine is the race organizer for that one, so it would be a fun way to make up for an event we all enjoy but won’t be doing this year due to COVID restrictions.

There was a lot of chatting this week, even in the water. I think the social isolation is getting to all of us.


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