Trying a new way to get things done

I find I need to develop new lists from time to time so I actually do the stuff on them, instead of just updating them. Today’s attempt was to put reminders on a newer electronic list that I started using because I could “cross” things of it more easily, but then got out of the habit of using. So far, so good, though I didn’t get a lot of the hard stuff done. I did deal with the cilantro and parsley in my fridge (pesto, plus parsley hanging to dry), rhubarb is cooked and in the freezer (though I still have a plant to harvest), some of the spring planting stuff is part-way to its storage area, the cat litter is clean, and I now have lots of mustard. Plus I washed dishes, wiped down kitchen counters, and put some things away that I discovered as I continue to clean up the basement. That’s not enough, but it’s enough for today.

My other big revelation for today was that I don’t have to do a fitness activity every single day. Some days, it is okay to sew or relax instead. I like to exercise, but I have been stressing about getting enough since I am staying at home so much. I was also putting a lot of pressure on myself to have a perfect house and lovely garden, while working long hours. And sew my own clothes, and cook everything from scratch. Something clearly had to give. When I went searching for an image to accompany this post, I was attracted by the image below. And when I opened up the article on tidying up your “to do” list that accompanied it, I decided I had made a wise decision. It may be confirmation bias at work, but it’s what I need today.


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