Visits and the Pond

I went yesterday and again today to the Pond. Yesterday was grey and chilly but the water felt relatively warm. The only bright spot was a cardinal on the

Much of the rest of the day was spent visiting with my family. My son and his girlfriend are in town so we visited my parents. I did some experimental cooking for supper, using lots of sorrel from my garden in a salmon dish, and chives in my mashed potatoes.

Today the sun was shining and hot on my back while I stood trying to get acclimatized; the chestnut trees are blooming and I could hear woodpeckers and red-winged blackbirds (and saw one). My friend Alexandra happened by just as I was about to start swimming so we had a nice chat. I think I am going to try and take a picture every time I go.

We all went for a long walk around the neighborhood before the kids headed back to Toronto. Lunch was a frittata that used up more sorrel, plus some fresh thyme and basil. And today’s shedding things achievement was sending the boy home with his pair of 35 lb weights. They have been in my basement since he moved out for university six (seven?) years ago. Now that he is unable to go to the gym because of COVID, he decided they would be useful to use at his place.


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