MSO Open Water Swim Challenge

In the absence of swim meets and club practices, Masters Swimming Ontario has put together a virtual swim meet. I am doing the longer distances and am pleased to report that I hold the record in my age group for the 1 km swim. We will not discuss the fact that only two of us have logged Swim’s so far and the other person is a much younger guy, so in a completely different category.

Today I finished and registered my second swim: 3 km.

I’m happy with this swim. Ignore the Strava swim time. It’s never accurate, though the GPS part is good. My actual time was 1:28, so very consistent, even with the more open water of the river, and swimming against the current. It was my first time swimming to the marina from the beach, which I knew was about 1500m round trip, so I didn’t get bored. Three trips to the marina, plus a large loop near the beach, should be enough for the 5 km swim that is my next challenge.  I can feel a little tightness in my shoulders, but I’ll easily get rid of that with a little help from a massage ball.


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