Tough week - thank goodness for friends

Today is my last day in a job I enjoyed, with an amazing team of colleagues. It has been really hard to wrap my mind around the end of an era and start engaging in a new assignment. I seriously considered whether I could manage retirement, and have reluctantly concluded that I need to work at least one more year - if only to take the time to ensure a smooth transition from salary to pension. 

Thank goodness for friends who convinced me to visit last night and teach them how to make pretzels. It has been years since I last did it, and apparently I had not written down my process in detail, so that made for some amusing challenges. In the end, we had several dozen giant pretzels, I had my recipe notes updated, and we spent several hours watching clips from broadway shows. For the record, Christopher Walken as Captain Hook was probably the highlight of the evening, especially when we came across this review of his performance:

And who knew? Although he is best known as an actor who plays villains, he started out as a dancer who fell into acting. Maybe that tap dancing pirate scene isn’t quite as weird as it seemed. Nope, it was weird.


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