220 in 2020 update

 I joined the 220 workouts in 2020 Facebook group back at about 174. I had been tracking the number of workouts I did this year, inspired by the Fit is a Feminist Issue blog. I’m now up to 215 today, depending on what I do. I really like the challenge of completing 220 workouts in a year because so much is up to me. I decide what counts as a workout; for example, my regular commute to work wouldn’t count, but if I added something extra, then I would count it. Now, I commute to the office only rarely, so I am working hard to make sure I incorporate movement into most days. 

Yesterday had to be one of the weirdest workouts ever. I put together a swimming video that illustrates most of the information in a 1595 swimming instruction manual. Then I took a little swim around the pond with my friend who filmed for me.


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