A day outdoors

 I started my morning with a 1.2 km swim; it was brisk but nice once we got warmed up. Nadine and I mostly swam head’s up breaststroke, and confirmed that it is how the little old ladies keep swimming past Thanksgiving. When the air is colder than the water, your arms get really cold doing freestyle. Keep them in the water, it’s actually warmer, with the added bonus of being able to chat while you swim.

Then I spent a couple of hours harvesting grapes for Hidden Harvest. We harvested 80 lb, of which 40 lb went to one of the food banks, 20 stayed with the owner, and the remainder was split among the harvesters. I foresee at least one more evening of processing grapes for later use, as I can’t eat 4 lb (as much as I love them). Since it was near my sister’s place, I stopped by and we walked her dog.

Then I had an outdoor tea with friends, and played with their dog until he was exhausted. Next up was a visit with my parents, and now I am getting ready to go out for dinner with my sister on the patio of a local restaurant.


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