Addressing the pain of working from home

I get very stiff and sore from sitting at my desk all day. I’m not good about getting up and moving around between meetings, the way I would if I was in a normal office in normal times. I don’t even get my usual exercise from walking or biking to work right now.

Yesterday I had a massage and got a bit of a lecture about not moving my back, shoulders and neck often enough during the day. Today I resolved to do better. I managed one chair yoga session, and then I went for a 7 km walk along the river with a friend. It was a lovely evening, made even better when we stumbled across a little open-air violin concert (two violinists). 

This friendly duck swam right up to us as we stood on a boat launch.

When I got home, I spotted a Yoga with Adriene video that focused on Upper back and so I played it while tidying the kitchen. Periodically I would do the exercise, or a modified version. It felt fantastic. Yoga hasn’t really been my thing since I was a teenager, but I am convinced I need to I corporate it into my day more often. I had been doing one of Adriene’s 30 day series, but I prefer the more targeted exercises. I see she has some for hip release and to stretch out the legs. I Will try them too.


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