Afternoon at the cottage

 Mel suggested a drive up to the cottage property so we went via a route that took us past two shed building companies. A decent shed that I can use to sleep in instead of a tent is one of the next things on my list. We looked at lots of models and got an idea of what it would cost for some of the features that appealed. I’m pretty sure I could manage with a small room with a couple of windows and a door, plus a screened porch and shutters to protect everything when I’m away. I would want the insulated floor, walls and ceiling, to make it 3 seasons. I’m even considering a small divider so I can install a composting toilet. Today’s other achievements were clearing out several bags of trash (plus some larger pieces), starting a storage space for kindling, and opening the trailer to store some equipment so we don’t have to keep hauling it from home. And now that I’m home, I’m realizing I could have left even more behind.


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