Channeling my inner child

 As the water gets colder, I tell myself I am channeling my inner eleven year old, gleefully leaping into the chilly water in May. Today I went twice. The first was a swim at our usual spot at Britannia Beach, and the second was at my sister’s cottage. She needed someone to go in to haul out the intake hose for her water pump, and I since I was in anyway I swam across the river and back. I even had my mom on shore, looking on disapprovingly. This picture is from the first swim of the day.a

Then I channeled my inner pre-teen girl, riding Fancy with no adult supervision in over a year. It was a short ride, almost all walk with a tiny bit of trot. She did a reasonably good job of relaxing despite the people chatting outside the arena. She even halted on request (she is much more “go” than “whoa”). I’m feeling pretty proud of myself, and also very sleepy. 


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