Five Things Kind of Day

 My fiend Beas has a rule about getting stuff done that I find really helpful when I’m struggling to find energy or enthusiasm. Do five things. You define how big or how small those things are, but when you are done, you don’t need to do more because you have met your goal for the day. So what did I do?

1) cleaned up my community garden plot (harvested the beans, collards, kale and kohlrabi, pulled weeds, dismantled the protective fence, covered everything with a thick layer of mushroom compost).

2) made a batch of fennel frond pesto because I got fennel in my CA basket this week and I hate food waste.

3) washed And hung up two weeks worth of laundry, and changed the sheets. The load that was outside is already dry so I’ll fold and put it away shortly.

4) baked bread (my sourdough needed feeding)z

5) cooked up a stir fry for lunches, plus some beets and potatoes for later use. 

I also went for a swim this morning, and I will clean up the kitchen shortly. 

There is more that needs to be done, of course: cleaning up the gardens at the house, harvesting and processing sorrel produce for the winter, more cooking (I broke a container full of frozen grapes, so that sorbetto de uva can’t wait now, plus there is the pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving this weekend). But having accomplished five things, I am okay with having a little nap first and enjoying the sound of the rain that is about to start falling. 


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