Things I learned yesterday

 1) The fall weed die-off is what you get for not registering for your swim club. I was slow off the mark and didn’t get one of the few spots available in these COVID times, so have been swimming exclusively at the pond or in the river. This was the shoreline today. There were lots of weeds floating in the water as we swam, too.

2) Riding your horse is like playing the oboe. As I do several different sports, I have been learning how instructions apply across discipline, mostly relating to posture, balance, cores strengthe and flexibility. My riding and ballet instructors both talk about keeping my shoulders down and back. My riding and swim instructors work on getting me to stretch ad use my left side as much as my right. Everyone reminds me to use my core, look up/forward, and stretch up out of my pelvis to align my body properly. The newest one was realizing that riding my horse is like playing the oboe. Long slow breaths, with pressure behind them that comes from way down in my belly, Help my horse relax and round he back so she uses her hind and back muscles. My high school music teacher would be amused. Fancy was much more interested in the other horses than she was in having her picture taken with me.


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