Trying new things

It feels like ages since I updated, but I have been keeping busy. Mostly it has been dance-related. I had a couple of extra ballet classes, and this week I also did an Afro-Caribbean class and a powwow workout. Both used different sets of muscles. The Afro-Caribbean involved lots of arm movements and spins, while the powwow workout focused on footwork and jumps. I broke down and bought myself a ballet barre too, because I have gotten tired of trying to use the back of a chair (too low and not long enough when I moved forwards or back).

I didn’t get to swim all week but I finally went today. It was cloudy and breezy, but I still managed a little over 800M. This evening, I went for my first riding lesson since March, when everything closed down due to COVID. When barns were allowed to reopen, the priority for riding went to my daughter; I was finally ready to get back at it in September, but tonight was the first time my coach was available. Fancy was a bit of an idiot (there were horses! And people! At a horse farm!) but I didn’t fall off and eventually got her reasonably settled. We don’t need to wear our masks once we are mounted, but I needed to concentrate so hard that I just left it on the whole time.


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